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Procurement and Finance Transformation Seminar + Whiskey Tasting,
16th November Teeling Distillery, Dublin



13:30 Coffee + Networking

14:00 Welcome Address                                                                                                                       Dr Paul Davis, Dublin City University 

14:10 Ensuring a Successful Digital Transformation                                                                        Karl Poulsen, Chief Procurement Officer, Hiscox Insurance

14:40 Integrating Sustainable Practices into Procurement           
          Patrick Lynn, Manager, PWC Ireland

15:00 Product Demonstration: Environmental Impact Center                                                          Erik Korpås, Solution Consultant, Ivalua

15:15 BREAK

15:45 Building Resilience Through Supplier Collaboration                                                               Simone Smits, Solution Consultant, Ivalua

16:00 Procurement transformation lessons from a Construction context                                        Robert Scriven, Head of Supply Chain, ISG

16:20 Accelerating Time-to-Value with Contract Management                                                          Peter Hunt, Solution Consultant, Ivalua   

16:35 What progress is being made towards Sustainable Procurement?                                       Oliver Hurrey, Founder & Chair, Scope 3 Steering Group   

17:00 Speaker Panel Discussion

17:30 Whiskey Tour

18:30 Networking and Refreshments

19:30 CLOSE

We look forward to welcoming you to Teeling Distillery!
