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Forrester Report: 

Procurement Is the Key to Sustainable Supply Chains

Transform Procurement Practices to Become a Strategic Enabler for Sustainable Supply Chains


Tech executives are collaborating with partners to address supply chain sustainability and reduce Scope 3 emissions. Organizations are appointing sustainability leaders, yet measuring Scope 3 emissions remains a challenge. 

Procurement leaders play a vital role in this transformation by leveraging technology for visibility and strategic actions. Incorporating sustainability into procurement strategy is crucial, requiring top management to embed sustainability across all functions and drive carbon reduction strategically.

Discover how to implement the following five strategies:

  1. Set Scope 3 emissions targets to reach net zero emissions
  2. Invest in sustainable procurement tech for specific capabilities
  3. Improve data quality and utilize external data sources as needed
  4. Collaborate with industry competitors to drive improvement in the shared supply chain
  5. Work with your regulatory compliance team to monitor upcoming legislation

Access this report to explore Forrester’s vision for empowering the procurement function to drive positive change for sustainability.

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