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Ivalua, a Leader in Forrester WaveTM:
Supplier Risk And Performance Management
Platforms, Q1 2018


As companies enter 2018, they find themselves increasingly dependent on suppliers to drive innovation and establish competitive advantage. At the same time risk and performance continue to rise in scope for Procurement leaders.

For those looking to develop a supplier risk and performance program that works in unison with all source-to-pay activities this Forrester report identifies top providers and offers excellent advice. 

According to Forrester:

  • Ivalua has a leading SRPM solution within its broad sourcing suite.
  • Enterprises have chosen Ivalua’s SRPM product not only for its highly configurable functionality but also because they can later extend it to address all their purchasing processes
  • [Ivalua] is particularly strong for master data management, so it can be the central source of supplier truth for multiple ERP instances


We are very proud to be included as a leader based both on the strength of our current offering and our strategy in this critical area.