Hackett Group Supplier Diversity Study 2021

In response to increasingly visible social and economic factors, supplier diversity has become a critical business function that procurement organizations must design, support, and drive to success. In many cases, supplier diversity has even become a board-level topic, significantly impacting its prioritization and program funding as well as compelling more companies to pursue global program expansions.

Instead of viewing inclusivity as a reporting exercise, many leading organizations are leveraging supplier diversity initiatives to support and uplift surrounding communities, which simultaneously boosts business opportunities. Yet as you are developing your supplier diversity program, it is critical to set the right scope for program activity and ensure it has an adequate level of support.

In this report, The Hackett Group surveyed over 100 large global and US-based companies regarding their supplier diversity programs and strategies across a variety of industries including healthcare, financial, and consumer industries.

View this report now to learn about the seven key areas of focus which you should consider to build and expand your own supplier diversity programs.